WCN sells its products to three main channels of distribution: Mass, Grocery/Drug/Convenience, and Traditional retail stores. WCN possesses the expertise and resources to sell into each channel differently, create channel appropriate product mixes, merchandising solutions, and price structures, and deliver the product into the retailer's DC or stores in compliance with the packing and labeling requirements. WCN provides each retailer with a one-stop shop resource for their Licensed Sports, Pop Culture, Seasonal or American Crown destination apparel + accessory needs.

If you would like to apply for a new account with WCN, please submit your information here.

"WCN is our key partner and the recommended apparel vendor in our sports memorabilia business at Kroger. Their comprehensive understanding of our markets and merchandising needs, along with their marketing, sales, and in-store display support have proved to be an invaluable benefit to Kroger GM. Critical to the success of our sports programs at Kroger is a consolidated and simplified solution for our category management and stores, and WCN provides us with turn-key solutions to support our business"
Terry Frey
Corporate Vice President General Merchandise
The Kroger Company